
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the philosophy of the program?

Our most important responsibility is to develop teams and individual players, not win basketball games.  We feel our goals are unique from other programs in that we are a feeder program, with the task of teaching fundamental skills that will prepare players for the present and future participation at Kirkwood High School.

We feel by doing things the “right way” we will teach fundamentals that will benefit players as they grow in the game and our teams will win games as a byproduct teaching the game correctly.


Will players be cut?  With each grade there are different numbers of players that tryout each year.  In some grades high numbers of players tryout in others numbers are low.  It is the most difficult part of the program, however each year there are players who do not make the team.  Those players have the opportunity to tryout again in a year and we have had many players who continue to work hard and make teams in later tryouts.


How often do teams practice?  Teams will practice twice a week from the start of the season through December 1.  Once CNR league play begins in December teams will practice once a week until March 1. Practice schedules are listed on the team app and on pioneerelitebasketball.com


Where do teams practice?  As often as possible teams will practice at Kirkwood High School.  When space is not available we will utilize middle and elementary schools within the Kirkwood school district.   Practice schedules are listed on the team app and on pioneerelitebasketball.com


Are all players eligible for the Pioneer Elite program? 

In order to participate in the Pioneer Elite program you must meet one of the criteria listed below:

  • Live within the Kirkwood R-7 school boundary
  • Attend Kirkwood schools as the child of a current faculty member, or via the VTS program or Riverview transfer program.
  • Live within the boundary area, attending a school, which is not directly affiliated with another area high school. (ex. MICDS, Chaminade, Westminster)


Are coaches in the program volunteers?

Yes, the Pioneer Elite Basketball program is a volunteer driven organization and at times we will need assistance coaching teams at all grade levels.  The program exists as a partnership between the Kirkwood High School program and the Pioneer Elite staff.  Our coaches volunteer with a small stipend to cover expenses.  As often as possible we include KHS coaches within the program.

A big part of our program is developing coaches as much as it is developing players and young people.


Have an additional question?

Please submit to pioneerelitehoops@gmail.com